A Complete Approach to Monsoon Season Skin Survival
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Monsoon Season Skin Survival: A Complete Approach to Monsoon Troubles

Monsoon is like a coin that has two sides. On the one hand, it gives the happiness of rain. On the other side, it also provides an array of fungal and bacterial skin diseases. Many people enjoy the monsoon season because it allows them to embrace happiness. Everyone enjoys the fragrance of soil and the time spent enjoying fitters with tea. But, as the season’s beauty envelops us, so do our various skin problems. And, while we often have reliable advice on enjoying the joys of this monsoon season, we don’t always have it regarding skincare issues.

Why is the monsoon harmful for our skin?

Maintaining skin health at the time of monsoon season is important since the presence of contaminants in the air and high levels of humidity may damage our skin. Due to moisture, our skin can get oily and clogged, leading to acne outbreaks. In addition, air pollutants might irritate the skin and cause rashes. We must understand how to prevent acne during the monsoon season!

To maintain skin health, using the best monsoon skincare products is vital. A daily skincare routine that includes washing, toning, and moisturizer application helps keep your skin healthy and protected.

Common skin problems that occur during the monsoon

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1. Athlete’s Foot:

Itchy, flaky, white blisters and fissures between the toes and under the feet are symptoms of an athlete’s foot. It is not harmful, but it is a common fungal disease. To stop it, keep your feet dry and properly clean them if they come into contact with rainfall. Moreover, don’t forget to clean and dry your shoes.

2. Acne:

One of the most common skin conditions linked to monsoon rains is acne. Sebum is produced wildly in humid air, making it the perfect environment for germs to flourish. As a result, dirt particles gather in closed pores and lead to outbreaks. In Monson, you can treat acne using natural remedies or by trying skincare products. 

3. Dullness:

The excessive humidity and wet conditions make your skin dull during the monsoons. Other issues, including acne, dark spots, and skin irritation, could also exist. It’s important to use the right products and keep your skin well-hydrated. Instead of using harsh, chemical-based products, use mild, herbal, or natural alternatives. It’s recommended to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. Last but not least, keep your skin hydrated by drinking enough water. 

4. Tinea fungal infections:

Tinea fungal infections include ringworms (a skin condition that affects body folds like the thighs and armpits), tinea capitis (an itchy and flaky scalp), and onychomycosis (a fungal infection that causes the nails to become crumbly and brittle).

5. Hyperpigmentation:

Another skin condition linked to humidity, hyperpigmentation, is defined by dark, dull spots on the skin, notably the face. Melanocytes become overactive due to sun exposure, leading to this skin condition.

Sometimes, melanin is overproduced even when the sun is not very bright (much like during the rainy season). Signs and symptoms of hyperpigmentation can be treated with laser therapy and medicines.

6. Eczema:

Another common skin disorder, eczema, is caused by decreases in temperature and increased skin sensitivity. Itchy, dry, or red skin may be a symptom of this disorder. In this case, complete skin moisturizing is the best course of action. Another method for handling it is using natural, relaxing soaps and avoiding hot water in the shower.

A skin care regimen suitable for monsoon season

Our skincare routine should continue to be watchful, prudent, and knowledgeable. Here are a few methods to keep your skin smooth, moist, and problem-free during the monsoon.

Wash your face

You should wash your face gently twice daily, depending on your skin type. Excess oil and debris can block pores during this time of year, leading to acne, dullness, or both. Try ALNA Face Washes and get rid of many skin problems. These face washes have purifying properties, can fight bacteria, and manage sebum production. 


Dead skin cells are removed during exfoliation, which also aids in deep cleansing the skin. It’s an excellent method to maintain healthy, hydrated skin. Depending on your skin type, exfoliating at least once a week is recommended.


You shouldn’t skip your daily moisturizing routine just because it’s windy outside. Regardless of the climate, you need to apply moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Use a natural face cleanser that won’t tighten the skin and is gentle, cooling, and healing.

Use sunscreen lotion

We would be mistaken if we believed that the cloudy skies and lack of sunshine excused skipping sunscreen. UV radiation can damage our skin regardless of the time of year or the environment. SPF is important for the skin! You’ll use sunscreen lotion frequently, so buying a good one is a smart investment.


Easy tips to avoid skin problems during the monsoon

> Maintain Hygiene:

Make sure we are keeping ourselves clean and maintaining good hygiene. Keep yourself tidy, giving special attention to your undergarments.

> Try Covering all Exposed Body Areas:

Insect bites can be prevented by covering exposed body areas. Wear clothing with long sleeves. 

> Keep Hydrated:

In order to consume water smoothly, it must be frequently filtered or boiled.

> Use Skin-Specific Products:

Antifungal and antibacterial medicated soaps, lotions, and powders may be helpful. Do not wait or try at-home remedies if you have a specific issue; instead, speak with a dermatologist immediately. 


Your skin changes with the seasons. Don’t just change your outfit to accommodate the weather; also, change your skincare routine. Since the seasons change, there is an increased chance that skin may become oily, dull, or dry and will draw more fungus infections. As a result, ensure the skincare products you use include antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties. For more skincare products, check out our website and get the one that suits your skin type.

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